“Lying with his eyes while his hands are busy working overtime”

Picture titles are borrowed from songs I love.

This is my private page only with pictures taken over the time and words are not the matter. It’s all about photography. There is no story or biography to share right here.

You’re welcome to write to me for further information. Just write some lines to my temporary mail address linked here. You are invited to stay in contact. Please follow my account at Mastodon or follow this page in the Fediverse: use


by searching for it on Mastodon, Friendica, etc.. Please understand, this is kind of beta level. Maybe this will grow but for now I am active at flickr most the time. If social media is not for you, simply grab the feed of this side.

Check my privacy policy if you want to know the tech details and data protection aspects about this page. Using the comments option means that you have read the privacy policy and you give your consent. The comments option is disabled most the time because of spam attacks. By the way: I know that the page is not ranked very well and it could be improved. I don’t think anyone can fix this except the google algorithm. It is the wrong way to provide “optimised” content only to optimise the ranking.